This is to Mr. Wee Lisa, James Ilo Charlie's Nweke Ken Simeon Onaji Lamin Mansaray Candice Shontelle Bunmi Tella Ashly Miller and your likes out there.
Perhaps, You are Gay, Repent! Today...
Please, Repent from your evil ways (mean no harm, just a candid advice from a concerned friend, i love you all and wish you guys the best in life).
You know in the intents of your heart, that Gay-ism is satanic and not of God. God has nothing to do with Gay and it has everything to do with the Devil and his agents everywhere (even in Corridors of Powers and Authority).
Please do not promote it, encourage it, nor advocate it. The consequences are heavy and deadly (please be duly and adequately informed).
Please do Remember that Whatsoever you are sowing today; yourself, your children and family will give account for tomorrow.
Desist from attacking and fighting the move of God. It is bad and very dangerous.
That was how Noah and Lots told the people in their days, however, they mocked them and called them fake and branded them evil. After all said and said, the unfortunate happened, and you know the rest of the stories, be warned!
Bible says in Galatians 6:7-8 " Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. Whatever a man sows, he will reap in return. The one who sows to please his flesh, from the flesh will reap DESTRUCTION; but the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal LIFE.…." It is very clear and simple.
Also Proverbs 22:8
"He that soweth iniquity shall reap vanity: and the rod of his anger shall fail".
Job 4:8
Even as I have seen, they that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same.
Proverbs 1:31
Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.
Be Warned! A word is enough for the wise...
May i humbly appeal to disagree with your opinion as it is contrary to the word of the Most High God, the creator of all humans, as well as the heavens and earth.
Please it is very important that you note that; God never made anybody GAY, in Genesis 1:26-27 which is the beginning of human creation .... And God made man in his own image and likeness, male and female created He(God) them and God bless them and said be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth.
Nb: God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve or Eve and Eva. The truth of the matter is that Satan is a perverter of Gods creature. God is PERFECTION and Satan is PERVERSION. Gay_ISM is one Satan's PERVERSION of God's PERFECTION. Therefore, Causing you to sin against your own body, by yourself and bringing destructions and condemnations to yourself, funny enough! by your own self to your self. Gay-ISM is self inflicted afflictions, limitations and destruction. Please ask your body for forgiveness today, Please! For your own good.
1Corintians 6:17-19 "But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with Him in spirit. FLEE from sexual immorality. Every other sin a man can commit is outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;…"
It is such a pity you wallow in ignorance and deceits. How i wished you known the biological, spiritual, emotional, mental, psychological, and social implications to your gay actions and decisions, but at least thank God you know now. However, It is never too late to change for good, correct your wrongs and toil the right path of righteousness in life. Now that you have the opportunity to do so, because a time will come when it will be to late... Repent NOW! There is NO repentance in grave ooooo....
Satan and his agents (demons) can possess people at any stage or age, manipulate their minds, alter their sexuality, or sexual orientations. However, causing people to dysfunction and malfunction sexually. It has different effect on different people at different phases. Some are just confused, while others might just fall easily to the devils bait. No male was made by God to dislike sexual activities with opposite female and always want their fellow men, Vise Verse. It is Satan's perversion and can be corrected by the wisdom of God and the power of the Holy Ghost.
Man is Man, and Woman is Woman. That's how God made us in the beginning.
God is the originator of man and have the ability to bring them to their original form and functions.
Remember John 8:31 says "...and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free".
Nb; that it is the truth you know that sets you free, otherwise, you may never be free until you know the truth about your life.
However, don't allow the devil to tie your life down with his dirty lies.
Please also be well informed that in #Zionwealth Church Worldwide, we know our God, we know his word, we know what we teach and preach. We are not toast to and from, nor here and there by some crafted human fables and satanic conceptualizations. We are ground in the Word of God, we are well taught, discipled and mentored by our amiable Man of God. #chrisomatsola
I am currently dealing with a lot of gay cases and i know what God is doing in those lives, the success is amazing.
God is winning, touching lives with his word (wisdom) and the power of the Holy Ghost.
Beloved, Do not be deceived, God can change any live and with God all things are possible to them that believes in him.
God bless you and give you more wisdom.
Warm Regards.
-Apostle Chris OMATSOLA
(Senior Pastor: Zionwealth Of Life Assembly, ZOLA).
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