Do you know that it was 10,000 talents of silver Haman offered King Ahasuerus to kill, destroy and annihilate the Jews (The Covenant Children Of The Most High God) completely? Oh Yes! Check Esther 3:9-11.
However, the king granted Haman's evil request, but refused his money for a very significant reason unknown to him as at the time of the refusal.
In similar manner, the priests and elders rejected the money returned by Judas Iscariot because they considered it blood money, check Matthew 27:3-6.
Hitherto, after Judas sudden, shameful and abominable death they refuse to deposit the money in the treasury just as King Ahasuerus refused that the money offered by Haman be deposited in the treasury because it's also blood money.
I am quite optimistic that neither King Ahasuerus nor Haman understood the reason for this financial rejection.
I perceive there is a very distinct peculiarity with the case of Jesus, and that's was why Judas died before Jesus, i promise to treat that on another episode for the sake of precision.
Beloved, it has become unequivocally clear to my understanding that God is up to something good for you in this 10th month, with today been the 10th day and checking on my watch now this is the 10th hour. I don't feel, it is mere coincidence that this revelation is coming your way this day, I also don't think it's a mistake nor it's effect a mirage.
I feel It has been prempted, foreordained and predestined to inform you and uplift your spirit to hungry for greater grace and glory.
I also want you to know this hour that, God is up to something for your favor, something is about to turnaround for your good, the effect of the favor of God in your life is about to be fully manifested, and that all will see and Glorify the Father. See Matthew 5:14-16.
It is your turn for a turn around. They should continue in mocking you, insulting you, abusing you, backbiting you and planning all sorts of evil against you, but surely they will all end up like Haman in the name of Jesus.
Also good to notice is the fact that not only are there 10 Chapters in the book of Esther, Haman was also killed in the 10th verse of the 7th Chapter of the Book of Esther, in the same day he had planned and reserved that the Jews be slaughtered.
At the end, Mordecai was promoted above Haman, (that's from an ordinary gate watch to the next man to the King bearing the King's ring of authority). This to me, speaks of divine promotion and repositioning, not only will God disgrace your adversaries, you shall also enjoy divine lifting in the name of Jesus. You will share your testimonies like Mordecai in Jesus name.
Just as The UNCHANGEABLE CHANGER GOD turned the Jews situation around even in a far away strange land, God will turn your own situation around today in Jesus name.
I pray for you today, in this 10th month of 2017 called OCTOBER, every investment of the wicked ones towards your downfall will not only be a bad market but also they will die in your place in Jesus name. Only with your eyes shall you behold and see the reward of the wicked (Psalm 91:8) in Jesus name. You are Blessed, Shalom!
-Chris OMATSOLA (Zionwealth Church).
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